Daily Devotion August 5

August 5: Genesis 3:8-13

KJV Key Verse: Genesis 3:9
9 And the LORD God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou?

Ok, let’s set the scene. You’re in your classroom and everyone is whispering about what just happened a short while ago with the whispering getting louder and louder as people get more excited. The classroom door gets bashed open and in bursts the teacher with his voice raised: “Who is responsible for the graffiti in the hallway?”

You could almost draw the line between the loud whispering and the deathly hush that now has descended on the room. Nobody is moving. Nobody is making a sound. Some are even holding their breath! We all know who did it because they still have the paint on their hands but nobody is going to volunteer any information at all in case they get their own heads bitten off, or so it seems!

Still nobody moves or says anything. So the teacher quickly and quietly rolls in a TV screen and plugs it in. Up flashes the picture and you all realise the whole incident has been captured on tape by the safety cameras which had been installed a few months ago! Now there is absolutely no doubt who it was and what they did. The problem is that you have been put in the awkward place of withholding the truth now because you are also on screen, watching…

We can blame society and blame others and blame circumstances; we can even blame the makers of the paint brushes and the paint. But who should we be looking at? Who should we be looking up to? Should we really be covering up what we know is wrong, or should we be admitting to our guilt and moving forward in our lives? God does not require us to wear a tabard for the rest of our lives telling everyone what we did wrong, but we should admit it to Him before it gets us into deeper trouble! Be honest and open with God about everything in your life and not just the things you want others to know about. You cannot cover it up from God, so be honest now.

Points to Ponder:
Do you still cover up your wrongdoings?

Do you not see how God is trying to get you to admit it to Him?


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