Daily Devotion August 5

August 6: Romans 12:1-8

KJV Key Verse: Romans 12:2
2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Yes, we are still living on Earth. Yes, we are still bound by the laws of the nations. Yes we are still bound by many things whilst we live in our mortal bodies. But one thing that we must never forget, is that when we have accepted Jesus as our Lord and Saviour, we must make sure that we show Him that we care by following His Will! There is no way that we can do that alone! Imagine, if you will, signing up for the Royal Air Force and then being given “the keys to a brand new jet” without any training! There is just no way that that is going to happen.

We may be given a chance of flying with someone and even being able to sit in the pilot’s seat, but without getting to know what you should be doing you will remain a trainee and not a pilot. God wants us to learn to fly and to pass on that knowledge to other people. As Christians we are given a personal instructor who will be with us all the time giving us guidance in every walk in life. It is up to us whether we listen to the instructor and act on His advice.

We are the ones that have to learn a whole new way of living otherwise we will never be able to encourage others to get it right! We are the ones who have to learn from our instructors. Each of us are going to learn different aspects at different rates because we are inherently different. Allow your best qualities to come forward and to be used by God for His glory!

Your instructor is with you at all times, trying to get you to do things that way that God wants you to. We are the ones with the abilities given to us and we are the ones who can use those abilities to the best advantage... we're just a little deaf and a little stubborn at times!

Points to Ponder:
Do you think you are a good listener?

Are you actually listening to God’s instructions?


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