Daily Devotion August 7

August 7: 2 Peter 1:12-15

KJV Key Verse: 2 Peter 1:13
13 Yea, I think it meet, as long as I am in this tabernacle, to stir you up by putting you in remembrance;

As Peter got closer to the end of his life he continued to try and make sure the people around him got to hear the gospel as much as possible. He never gave up telling people about God and about all Jesus had done for us all. He knew his task was to tell people about Christ as long as he had breath to say things.

Does this mean we are letting God down by not standing up on the street corner and telling people about Christ? Does this mean we should all be standing up in front of congregations around our countries telling people about Christ? Does this mean we are not obeying God by not standing up and talking about Him? No. There are so many more ways we can tell people about Christ other than opening our mouths and speaking.

The way you act and react with the people around you is a bigger statement about your Christ than the words which come out of your mouth in church. We are told it is not the things we do that count for salvation and that is true. Our salvation is not based on the things we do, but when we go back out into the world it is the things we do other people are going to be noticing. If we go back out acting the same way as we did before we came to Christ then the world is going to think we have not changed from the old person we used to be.

If we want people to notice Christ has made a difference in our lives then we have to show them He has and act accordingly. I despair at people who claim to be Christians and act in exactly the same way as the people around them as they try to fit in to the world. Christ has set us apart from this world and we need to tell people this is what has happened. The best way to tell people is to act accordingly. Continue to be charitable to people around you even when they are not toward you. Show Christ’s love through your actions and stop complaining about the world treating you badly!

Points to Ponder:
Do you complain when people don’t treat you like a Christian?

Are you actually acting like a Christian?


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