Daily Devotion September 1

September 1: Acts 2:36-41

KJV Key Verse: Acts 2:41
41 Then they that gladly received his word were baptized : and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls.

Seeing what others do to spread the Gospel should encourage us to go out and tell others of this great news about Jesus Christ being our Saviour! I'm not suggesting that any of us go out and try preaching to thousands of people without first learning a bit more about God, about the Gospel and about the people we are teaching.

What I am saying is that if we go forward and show others that we do have faith and that we want to live our lives the way God has asked us to live them... then imagine how many people will be able to see your testimony, to see the way that you are lifting up God in your life. Living your life for Christ and with Christ is just as important as getting God’s Word out there to the masses. Without example our words may land flat on the ground.

We don't have to be great evangelists, we don't have to be amazing apostles, we don't even have to drop everything in our lives just to try and tell others about God. What we should be doing is making sure that what we do reflects the way God wants us to live. We should make sure what we do shows the people that are close to us we care about God and we care about how others feel about God and how we care about others getting to know Christ like the words of the children’s chorus: to find the “wonderful love of our Blessed Redeemer down in the depths of their hearts.”

Jesus wants each of us to know Him and to know God; He has given us the task of taking that same love for others and sharing it with the people around us. He wants to be able to take care of us and protect us night and day but we have to accept Him as our Saviour who can do exactly that! Once we do accept Christ into our lives He will be there protecting us for the rest of our lives.

Points to Ponder:
How would you get through a maze if you were blind?

Are you trusting God to guide you today?


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