Do Not Worry: One Day at a Time from NIV Hope in the Mourning Bible

Read: Matthew 6:25-34
It’s easy to fall into the worry trap, especially in times of trial. We often get out ahead of ourselves and ahead of God as we attempt to predict the many ways a trial may pan out. A typical human response to bad news tends to move automatically to a state of worry and anxiety. God clearly tells us:
Do not be anxious about anything. — Philippians 4:6
We must view our circumstances the way God commands us to.
As a young couple with a newfound faith in Christ, Craig and Amanda were excited to be welcoming their firstborn into this world. Then during a routine ultrasound midway through their pregnancy, they received news that their unborn son’s brain and skull had not formed, a condition referred to as anencephaly. Faced with whether or not to continue the pregnancy, they chose to entrust the length of Noah’s life to God. Noah went to be with Jesus when he was three days old. From the world’s perspective, Noah’s parents had much to worry about. They chose, instead, to cherish each moment they had with their son, living purposefully one day at a time, even before he was born.
Throughout the pregnancy, Craig and Amanda kept a record of all the things they did with Noah — baseball outings, trips to the zoo, a vacation to Arizona, picnic lunches. They collected artifacts and pictures as they lived one day at a time, creating a beautiful scrapbook that told the story of Noah’s brief, yet well-lived and well-loved, life.
In Matthew 6:25-34, we read of God’s loving care and provision — even for the birds — as he asks us,
Are you not much more valuable than they? — Matthew 6:26
Jesus tells us, “Do not worry.” He promises to take care of us.
What trial are you facing today that warrants your trust in God? Jesus tells us in Matthew 6:33,
Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
God wants you to live — fully live — one day at a time, relying on Him to provide all your needs, physically and spiritually. Trust in Him.
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. — Matthew 6:34
Lord, help me to live one day at a time, resting in the promise of Your love and provision for me. Thank You for caring about the details of my life, big and small. Help me to seek You first in all things. Amen.

Are you worried? Are your circumstances overwhelming? Stop right now and ask God for the grace to rest in His promises, love, and provision. Have you experienced one-day-at-a-time faith? What happens when you choose to rely on Jesus every day, just focusing on His direction for today


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