Daily Devotion October 1

October 1: Matthew 6:8-15

KJV Key Verse: Matthew 6:13
13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

How many temptations have you faced so far today... and how many have you given into! I'm not talking about the “go rob a bank” type of temptation, but the simple “I'll put off reading the bible until tomorrow” type of temptation; the ones where you think it will be OK until tomorrow and then tomorrow comes and you try it on again…

We are living in a world where we are bombarded by things to do, things to watch on TV, things to buy and places to visit. None of which we really need in our lives, but the adverts convince us that they are necessary! Notice that it is not the Lord that is leading us anywhere near this temptation. It is purely our choice by which we go in that direction. We have the choice as to whether we do things the right and proper way, or if we go out on a limb by ourselves and do what we think is best at the time.

If we only would take everything to the Lord the way that he wants us to, then we would be sure of getting the right advice about those things in our lives. The Lord is waiting for us to ask Him for advice, to ask Him for guidance, to ask Him for help. Notice the first verse in our scripture today... “... for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask Him.” (KJV)

God knows what we need in our lives, but He is not going to force it down our throats. He knows the best things for us to do. He knows what we should steer clear of. He knows what our weaknesses are. He knows our few strengths. He knows how to make us stronger. He knows how to “keep us clean”. All we have to do is ask Him “how?”

Points to Ponder:
Did you watch TV and did you read your bible?

Which has honestly had more influence on your actions today?


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