Daily Devotion September 10

September 10: Exodus 34:1-9

KJV Key Verse: Exodus 34:6
6 And the LORD passed by before him, and proclaimed , The LORD, The LORD God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering and abundant in goodness and truth,

Right from the beginning of time (as we know it), God has wanted us to know of His mercy and His love towards us. When Moses had broken the first tablets, God wanted him to know He was merciful, gracious, longsuffering, full of the truth, but there would be a portion of wrath for those who just would not listen. God was willing to forgive the Children of Israel back in those times, even after they had sinned so much and had started worshipping other gods right in front of Him! God wanted them to know mercy. God wanted them to be able to see real forgiveness.

If you wanted to teach someone good from bad, you may allow them to get into a bit of bother just so you can show them the good side after they have experienced the bad side. This is not being unkind, it’s being realistic! God wanted forgiveness to be a part of our lives, not just something He would be handing out to us all the time. He wanted us to make sure we made it a central part of our Christian lives.

We see throughout the Bible how mercy is something shown by the strong over or to the weak, by the rich over the poor, by people on the inside to people on the outside. It is not about being in control but rather about giving control to the people you want to experience grace and mercy.

God is all powerful, there is none stronger. We are the weak ones that give in to temptations all the time. God can and does show us His great bountiful mercy all the time – we just need to open our eyes to see it! Once we open our eyes we will see His amazing love stretch out further toward us than ever before.

Points to Ponder:
Do you like being forgiven?

Is there anything greater than God’s forgiveness?


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