Daily Devotion September 17

September 17: James 1:6-8

KJV Key Verse: James 1:6
6 But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering . For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed .

I'm sure many of you must have heard that song “Oh Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz...”. Sometimes we are so caught up in our world that we lose sight of what the Lord wants us to have in our lives. We get caught up in things and start asking for the wrong things, not because it is what the Lord wants, but simply to satisfy our own desires; we are facing the wrong way and looking at the world instead of to God.

We can take a quick look at the news and see where others seem to be making the wrong choices based on our judgement. We can look at the people close to us and think that they may not be doing things the right way... but we never seem to be able to look in that mirror and say “hey, you are doing it wrong!”

If we were to turn around and look at where we have been we may be able to see how far we have gone from our original path; how far we have drifted from the Lord. How many times has someone told you “as long as you stay close to God He will be able to protect you more?” Well it does not matter how far we drift away from God, He is always able and willing to help us. The problem may come when we ask for things because the things we ask for will probably relate to where our focus is in life.

His love and mercy has no bounds, but if we are not willing to come close and receive His special gifts, then we don't have much chance at being able to resist the simple temptations that the evil one will drop in front of us all the time.

Points to Ponder:
Do you feel closer to people you spend time with or strangers?

Is Christ a stranger or a friend?


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