Daily Devotion September 18

September 18: Isaiah 9:6-7

KJV Key Verse: Isaiah 9:6
6 For unto us a child is born , unto us a son is given : and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor , The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

We may think that it is just us lowly people that are subject to punishment and things going wrong and the righteous people in our bibles who had everything go right! But we don’t need to look too far in the Old Testament to find many occurrences of righteous Kings themselves getting it wrong. God made sure that the Kings would have people to warn them. He made sure that the Kings had the prophets to guide them. But still they faltered; even when choices were put directly to them.

Thank goodness that God gave us our Saviour to guide us and to save us from all the problems that we dig for ourselves. For if it were up to us, we would dig deeper holes than some of these Kings did. The prophets knew of the coming of the Lord. God gave them plenty of warning. When the Lord came, many were not prepared!

When the Lord came, He foretold of many more things that would come to pass. The people around Him did not listen. When those things happened, people were still not prepared. We have the complete Word of God at our disposal. The Holy Bible is full of the truth from the beginning to the end. All we have to do is to read it to understand what God has planned in our lives. All we have to do is to read it to make sure that we are prepared for the things that are to come – just like the things that have been were foretold.

If we are not willing to listen, then we too will not be prepared. But if we are willing to listen to what God wants, then we are going to be prepared for everything. Listening to God is not just about reading our bibles. Listening to God means listening through everything around us and comparing it with what God gives us through His Word.

Points to Ponder:
How many exams have you passed without learning?

Do you listen?


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