Daily Devotion September 19

September 19: Luke 18:1-8

KJV Key Verse: Luke 18:5
5 Yet because this widow troubleth me, I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me.

When Jesus was with us in the flesh, He continued to teach the people to pray and ask for all things doing so through Him, through His name. He also warned about asking for earthly things and praying out loud as a boast instead of a personal request to God. Prayer needs to be a very personal thing between you and God.

God's love for us is a personal love. It is something special. It is something that we should keep in our hearts. So when it comes down to us having a word with Him (by praying) He does not want us to stand on the street corner and pray out loud so that all around us will hear us as is told in Matthew; our prayers to Him are exactly that... “To Him”...

If you are going to have a conversation with someone, you have to talk to them and not to someone else. If you want to say something to someone, you make sure that you are close to them so that they can hear you. If you want them to hear where nobody else can, then you take them aside some place. The most important thing being, that if you want to talk to someone, then you must talk to them directly.

Nobody else has to witness what you have asked God to do in your life. Nobody has to verify you have actually asked God to do something. God does not need anyone to remind Him of things that others have asked. You don't have to pray with an open mouth for God to hear, just pray with an open heart. But as it says in these verses, be persistent and ask for things you really need!

Points to Ponder:
Do you spend time with God?

Do you remember to use Jesus as your mediator?


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