Daily Devotion September 20

September 20: Ephesians 3:14-21

KJV Key Verse: Ephesians 3:20
20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think , according to the power that worketh in us,

Just when you think that nobody cares, someone does something out of the blue that takes you by surprise. You then feel bad about thinking they no longer cared or loved you anymore! One thing we must never forget is the abundant love of our Lord and our God. Just when we start to get down in the heart, He will gently remind us He is there, waiting for us to acknowledge He is our strength and our redeemer.

We cannot ever hope to understand the height, width or depth of His love for us. But one thing is for sure, we must never forget His love was and is still able to cover all our sins. It is by His love we are all forgiven. It is by His love we will survive. It is by His love we will be able to be with Him in Heaven for eternity.

All we have to do is to believe His love is sufficient. That is our step of faith. Without our belief in God and His abundant love, the world cannot offer us much so we end up feeling we have nothing. Without God, we feel we are nothing. But with God, we have eternity at hand. With God we have hope. With God we have love, eternal love.

No matter how much we can ask of Him, no matter how much we can think of, no matter how much we can hope for... God is able to deliver, and then some! He is able to give us more than we can hope for, more than we can think of, more than we can imagine! Jesus may be our silent partner, but remember He is more than just that. He is our hidden bodyguard. He is our built-in satellite navigation system through this world. He is our protector. He has come, not to destroy, but to give life, everlasting life, to anyone that asks.

Points to Ponder:
Do you always believe other peoples promises?

God does not say anything without it being a promise He will keep!


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