Daily Devotion September 24

September 24: Luke 2:25-32

KJV Key Verse: Luke 2:32
32 A light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel.

Sometimes you look at people doing some strange things and you have to think to yourself... “Why are they doing that?”... Most of the time you can probably give the answer, “because they don't know any different”. If you go to a 3rd world country and see people walking miles to get water, you may well think “why do they do it?” But in those countries the local people have probably not ever seen indoor plumbing, they probably have never seen the amazing water, taps and filtration systems that we have in the West. They are glad just to be able to get water, never mind that it is cold and filtered and soft...

If we turn this over on its head and think of what could be done with a little knowledge and a few pipes... Think of what could be achieved with a little help and guidance; think of how much is being done through various aid groups as they take the simple things like water to places they need it most.

Now let’s put this in perspective with the lesson. We are living in a 3rd world world when it comes to Christianity. Many people know of it, but don't know it and even fewer believe it! Just like 3rd world countries and water... We are living in a dark world, a world that is consumed with darkness, a world which does not know the light, a world that does not know God.

Simeon was one of the few people who knew Jesus the Messiah was going to be the Light of the World. He had been given an insight by the Holy Spirit about what would happen and just who Jesus was (and is). If you have a dark room and you place a small light in one of the corners, you no longer have a dark room. Yes there may be places where you can't read, but the whole room is no longer dark!

Points to Ponder:
Have you ever received a life-changing thing?

Will you change a life by showing them God?


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