Daily Devotion September 25

September 25: John 1:1-5

KJV Key Verse: John 1:4
4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men.

Each time I read these few verses at the beginning of the Gospel of John I am reassured about having the everlasting, eternal Word of God in my hands! The “Word” (Jesus) was there in the beginning... In other words, Jesus was there with God before we came into being! But not only that, but Jesus is God! A single awesome sentence that gives us hope and shows God's love. God knew what was going to happen and knew what Jesus would have to go through, even before we were around... What an awesome thought, an awesome display of His love for us.

What a pity when Jesus spent that time on our planet in human form the locals chose to not believe He was and is the Messiah, our Lord Jesus Christ. Why? Because they knew no different at the time. They could not comprehend Jesus would be able to come to earth and be in human form, 100% human form. But this was and is all part of the master plan, to be able to give each and every one of us the choice of whether we want to follow that Light or not.

We now have the Holy Bible, translated into English so that we can understand it, and we have preachers and teachers that help to explain the Word of God to us. We have so much going for us, but yet we have so much against us! There is so much darkness in the world, not just half the world in night time but the darkness of evil and evil things.

We are sinners. We cling to the darkness like it was some sort of comfort blanket. We don't want to go out into the light because we don't understand it. But take one step into that light and you can see! One step forward and know that you never have to look back into that darkness any more. Look forward into the light and keep your vision open.

Points to Ponder:
How much of a darn room does a little light light up?

Do you hold Jesus as your light?


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