Daily Devotion September 27

September 27: John 8:1-11

KJV Key Verse: John 8:11
11 She said , No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go , and sin no more.

Isn't that just the greatest, knowing that no matter how much we have sinned, no matter how much we have got it wrong... God is there for us, waiting to forgive us of the vilest of sins! Jesus is the light of the world. Jesus is the gateway to Heaven. Jesus is the Messiah. There is no getting away from the truth, no matter how much we are bombed and how much people try to beat it out of us, the truth is the truth and we must always uphold it.

God is able to see everything we do, God knows what we get up to when we close the door. God knows what we get up to when nobody else is with us. All we have to remember is we all can accept that forgiveness and get with it the gift of eternal life. The Jews at the time of Jesus chose not to believe He was and is the Messiah. That was a choice they made, but one that was misguided because of the darkness they had been living in for so long. They knew our Messiah was going to come to earth in the form of man, but they chose to not believe Jesus.

Some people found it so easy to believe in the truth when they were confronted by the truth, just like the woman in our passage today. She knew she had done wrong, but she put her faith in Jesus and believed. It was a simple step to take, but one that lead her from the darkness to the light.

Once we start to walk with Jesus, there never has to be any darkness in our lives – unless we chose to not walk in the light. Jesus is trying to show us the way and brings a lamp with to show us the way. Pretty awesome really!

Points to Ponder:
Do you help people in the dark with a torch?

Are you willing to use God’s Light as your torch?


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