Daily Devotion September 28

September 28: John 12:35-36

KJV Key Verse: John 12:35
35 Then Jesus said unto them, Yet a little while is the light with you. Walk while ye have the light, lest darkness come upon you: for he that walketh in darkness knoweth not whither he goeth .

Imagine being given a task. You have to cross a field in the dark when there is no moon or stars, and you have a single very bright torch that will only last 5 seconds, but to cross the field you have to walk for at least 10 minutes. There are loads of cow pats in the field... How are you going to cross the field without stepping in any horrible things?

The answers you may come up for this puzzle would probably be something like, “shine the torch from where you are to the other side and choose a path that will miss all the droppings and then walk straight when the torch runs out”... And if you were able to walk in a perfectly straight line whilst completely blind... then it may just be possible! The only real way you are going to get to the other side is to ask for outside help! Don't be held back by the dark, but ask for help from a source of light, a source that is never going to run out. It's no good trying to rely on something that you know is not going to last, you have to aim for the eternal things in life if you want them to last.

Maybe by believing in that light in the beginning we will be able to use it to create light for others to follow. Maybe we can use the torch to find the lantern and matches God has left by our feet to help us across the field... You are never going to know they exist until you look for them in the beginning.

Thank goodness God has said He will always be there for us, and that anything we ask for earnestly in Jesus name will be supplied! God is not going to hold back something we need; we may think we have a special requirement which trumps other people’s requirements but God is the one who knows what we actually need. Trust Him because He has already set things in motion for us.

Points to Ponder:
Do you like the fridge light?

Would you like a light that is always there for you?


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