Daily Devotion September 3

September 3: 1 Thessalonians 3:6-10

KJV Key Verse: 1 Thessalonians 3:8
8 For now we live , if ye stand fast in the Lord.

God has given us the ability to be set free from our sins. He allowed Jesus to pay for every single one of our sins by laying down His own life on the cross. By doing that, we are no longer bound by sin. But we continue to live in a world bound by sin. We continue to be surrounded by sin. We continue to have an abundance of temptations surrounding us every day and all the time.

Satan is going to continue to try to bring down our lives, to continue to oppose the Word of God so that people will not worship God and will not turn to God for safety. But so long as we have been set free from that sin, there is no longer any reason for us to return back to that sin and yet we still give in a follow the temptations.

When Timothy returned from visiting the church in Thessalonica he told Paul about the good work the people were doing and the way they were trying to live their lives for Christ. They also said how they missed Paul. When they exercised their faith it did not just make them stronger but it affected so many more people. As word gets back to Paul his faith is also made stronger. Faith continues to spread so much further than we realise.

God is all seeing and all powerful and omnipresent (i.e. everywhere) so we can no longer hide behind any sin or hide any sin from Him. Our sins may not be shown to other people which may give us a false sense of security, but they are clearly visible to God. Our faith, on the other hand, does become visible to others and encourages others just as it encourages and builds us up. Trust in God.

Points to Ponder:
Do your parents see the same person in you as your friends do?

Will you try to act in truth?


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