Daily Devotion September 30

September 30: John 10:7-10

KJV Key Verse: John 10:9
9 I am the door: by me if any man enter in , he shall be saved , and shall go in and out , and find pasture.

Jesus promised us He is preparing a place in heaven for us, a place we can identify as being as glorious as a mansion. He is there preparing it for us. The only way we can get there is by Him allowing us in just as the butler or owner of a house is the one who will let you in.

Could you imagine being waited on all the time by a full-time butler, someone who would do everything you asked? Someone who would always have your food ready just the way you liked it, someone who would always have your car ready when you needed it. Someone who would always make sure the house was clean (I can always dream...) Someone who would driver you to the shops, and be there waiting to pick you up just when you needed it.

Jesus has gone further than that in preparing a place in heaven for us where we will live forever with Him. He is personally going to come back and get us when the time is right! He is personally going to take us back home to our new home in heaven. Best of all, we know He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. We know there is no other way we can get to heaven but by believing in Him. This is built into each and every one of us, yet we choose to go into the darkness and ignore the light.

How foolish and proud man is to believe he can find his own way in this world when Jesus is the only way, the only light! How conceited we are to think we can outthink God or be able to stay one step ahead of Him! He is protecting the way in and out of Heaven making sure no evil ever gets in and making sure we are safe at all time by filling the place with His safety and light!

Points to Ponder:
Have you ever dreamed of living in a palace?

Do you look forward to a time of living in plenty?


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