Daily Devotion September 5
September 5: Deuteronomy 11:1-7
KJV Key Verse: Deuteronomy 11:1
1 Therefore thou shalt love the LORD thy God, and keep his charge, and his statutes, and his judgments, and his commandments, alway.
It's hard to believe a person who tells you a story about something you find incredible. It's hard to imagine such an event were possible at all. But then, sometimes, we see the proof before our own eyes and we still find it hard to believe things. The Children of Israel were party to the actual events that unfolded as they were taken out of slavery in Egypt and brought through the desert to the Promised Land. They were the ones that had first-hand experience with God's awesome power – but still they opted not to believe in some things. They opted to ignore the miracles and all the good and bad things that they had personally observed.
Many times we are like that in our lives too; we find things hard to believe when they happen to others and even when they happen to us we still seem to think that it was impossible – “because it would never have happened to us normally”.
God's first commandment is simply to love Him above all else. We have to love Him above our earthly pleasures. We have to love Him above the bacon sandwiches from the corner shop. We have to love Him above the nice new mobile phone that we have. We have to love Him more than that party or disco that we have been told about!
There is no reason why we cannot continue to live in this world and enjoy the pleasures that we have surrounding us, so long as we are doing it within the rules that God has laid down. When we do live by obeying God’s rules we show Him that we love Him above all else and want to listen to what He has to tell us! We also show the people around us we mean business with God!
Points to Ponder:
When was the last time your bed was more inviting than church?
What does the forth commandment say about the Sabbath?
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