Daily Devotion October 2

October 2: James 1:11-12

KJV Key Verse: James 1:12
12 Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried,  he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.

Have you ever noticed how we always complain about the weather? When it is too wet, we complain. When it is too dry, we complain. When it is too cold, we complain. When it is too hot, we complain. When it is just right, we complain about it not being right enough! Weather does not last that long – although there are those around the world who experience continued tropical rain or hurricanes! When the rain comes, it is to water the plants that need it. When the sun comes out, it is to give life to the plants. When the snow comes, the whole country stops...

Just one hitch and things break down, falling down around us. When the sun shines for too long, grass turns yellow (something that is quite normal in dry countries). Everything is dependent upon things being just right. But if things were just right all the time, then when something did go wrong, everything would “break down”. Because England does not get a lot of snow, they are never prepared for any snow and cannot cope with it!

God allows temptation in to our lives so we can gain strength from it. By knowing what is wrong, we are able to avoid it, or to dissolve the situation before it gets out of hand. God does not place the temptation there, but may well allow it to strengthen us. If we had a good snow shower every 2 weeks, then the UK would be prepared for it and be able to cope with it.

We are allowed to be exposed to temptations so that we can realise that there is one that can help us to avoid them. One that can help us to overcome them. One that is able to give us strength and wisdom enough to fight them. Not learning from bad experiences or temptations is a choice we make for ourselves; but learning can be a whole lot easier and more productive if we listen to good advice while we go through the temptation.

Points to Ponder:
Who do you call when the water pipes start leaking in the house?

Who are you going to call for help when you face temptations?


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