Quiet Breaks With God from The Daniel Plan 365-Day Devotional

I was very worried. But Your comfort brought me joy. — Psalm 94:19 NIrV
At least once a day, go out in your backyard or close your office door or sit in your car, and be quiet for a few minutes, tuning into God. You could just silently sit in His presence, or you could meditate on a verse like Psalm 18:2,
The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom take refuge.
When you feel your pressure going up, stop and say, “God, I want to tune in to you again. I want to focus on You.” Take these mini-breaks during the day to refocus on the greatness of God.
Maintaining new habits is hard, and stress can make you slip back into your old ways. You start thinking, Maybe I should just coast for the next couple of months. But coasting is a downhill journey! A five-minute break with God can recharge you and keep you moving onward and upward. When will you take a five-minute break today to be quiet before God?

Food for Thought

A quiet break with God is a gift to recharge your body and your soul.

How often throughout the day (or week?) do you actually press the pause button a take a mini-break to align your heart and mind back to God? Let’s challenge ourselves today: Put a sticky note on your bathroom mirror, computer monitor, or wherever you may see it throughout the day that says “Recharge with a quiet break!” and take yourself up on the


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