Reading your Bible for today October 10

October 10: Acts 6:8-15

KJV Key Verse: Acts 6:10
10 And they were not able to resist the wisdom and the spirit by which he spake .

If you don't believe me about getting wisdom through asking God for it, then take a page out of the Bible and see just what happened to Stephen. He was a man who did depend on God. He was able to do “great wonders and miracles” because he trusted God to provide them when he called on God. He knew God was listening all the time and he knew that God answered prayers. He knew that all he had to do was ask!

He asked for that wisdom and he was given it. He was then able to go out and do far more than he was able to before. He was even able to convince the people who tried to dispute the Word of God with him. He called on the Holy Spirit at that time to guide him and allow him to answer the questions which were put before him. He was able to answer them in such a manner the people could not fault him!

The only way that they could get their own way was to get “professional false witnesses”... People who had been paid to tell lies; they were paid off! They were willing to go to court and lie about what Stephen had said, which made the people paying them even bigger liars! But when he was face to face with the council, they saw in him the truth. They could tell that what he was saying was the truth – but that did not stop them because they had dug too deep a hole for themselves and did not want to lose face.

We are surrounded by people who are willing to go that extra lie to get their own way. People who are willing to get others to lie for them too! What we have to do is to keep to our word, keep to God's word and never give in to the temptation to bare false witness.

Points to Ponder:
Have you ever tried arguing a point which you know nothing about?

Will you let God explain things for you?


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