Reading your Bible for today October 11

October 11: Psalm 107:1-7

KJV Key Verse: Psalm 107:6
6 Then they cried unto the LORD in their trouble, and he delivered them out of their distresses.

Have you ever looked back on your life and thought about times when people did not help you? Have you ever though, “they knew that I was in trouble, but they didn't help me!” One of the hardest things may be to actually admit that you have a problem and ask someone to help you out. But that is exactly what God wants us to do. We are stricken from the day we come into this world right up until we actually ask for help.

I am not suggesting we should simply ask God for help when things go wrong. I am saying we should ask God to come into our lives to help us to sort things out. From the very basics about sin right through to keeping you alive in the midst of a war. We should be asking God to take control of our lives and handle us the way that He wants us to go. Not to try and go it alone all the time up until things go wrong, but to give Him control of things from the start so that we stay away from the problems to begin with!

God is faithfully waiting for us to stop and admit we have got it all wrong and that our understanding of the situation of life is not all we thought it was! God wants us to admit we do need Him and how much we want Him in our lives; and by trusting Him to deliver on those promises – because He will!

The Children of Israel started to falter when the going got tough, and eventually they did the right thing and asked God to help them. Immediately He did! If we are stubborn to not trust God or to not ask Him we may think He is holding back on us whereas we are the ones trying to stay in control and continuing to get things wrong!

Points to Ponder:
Do you ever get help when you ask others?

Will you ask God for proper help?


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