Reading your Bible for today October 14

October 14: Deuteronomy 4:30-31

KJV Key Verse: Deuteronomy 4:31
31 (For the LORD thy God is a merciful God;) he will not forsake thee, neither destroy thee, nor forget the covenant of thy fathers which he sware unto them.

God has made many promises to Israel, to us and to many more people to come. Those promises are kept and they are here to stay; we can and should depend on them forever! We need to read our Bibles to be reminded of all the promises God has kept and all of those we are still to see. God is here for us and He is not going to leave us.

Sometimes it is the simplicity of those promises which means the most to me because my brain tends to make everything a whole lot more complicated than it has to be. God did make this world to be a complicated place, physically; how else would we be in awe of His majesty and power? What He did not do is to make the rules about how we can live with Him and for Him as complicated as we make them out to be!

Because God’s word is a whole lot of promises we can rely on, we can find strength in His Word. We can look at our own shortcomings and realise He will give us the strength to face up to a whole lot more than we can imagine in our lives. If we look at trying to find that strength for ourselves we will fall short of the mark, we will fail at finding that strength and we will probably blame God in any way we can.

But when we look to God for the strength and wait on Him to guide us through our problems we can find a whole lot more strength and wisdom than we initially realise. I do love reading my bible, but I do find it very difficult at time – especially when I am going through my own problems or helping others with their issues in life. But given time and patience I know God has helped me far more than I could ever thank Him for!

Points to Ponder:
Who do you depend on in your life?

How much do you rely on God for?


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