Reading your Bible for Today October 16

October 16: Judges 6:36-40

KJV Key Verse: Judges 6:36
36 And Gideon said unto God, If thou wilt save Israel by mine hand, as thou hast said ,

“I can't do that! I don't know how to do that!”... Sound familiar? Too many times in our lives we say no to doing something because we believe that we do not have the right knowledge to be able to do the work required or even the right skill to take on the task at hand.

Er, hang on, haven't I read this already? Not having the right tools is not the only excuse we use to not do something. More often than not we turn round and tell people that we just plain and simple do not know how to do it! We once again turn things down because we don't think that we can do it... Much of the time we say we can't do it because we have never done it before and are not sure what we should be doing... Think about how Moses felt! He was being called to go and rescue a nation of people from slavery, not by fighting a huge war, but by going in and talking to the king of the land!

Do you think you would have tried to wriggle out of that one as well! “But Lord, I can't even speak the right language...” “But Lord, I have never stood before a king before...” “But Lord, I have never left this country...” I can hear the types of excuses that we would all come up with! And the same with Gideon, he used excuses but then asked God for signs to see how serious God was!

When God calls you to do something, He is not going to shout His head off until you listen to Him (not like your teachers at school!). He will simply place the task on the table and say that you should be doing it. Then come the 1001 excuses from within trying to wriggle out of it some way or another! God knows each one of our abilities. He will not ask anything more than we can do. All we have to do is have a little trust that He does know what we can do!

Points to Ponder:
Would you trust a chair you made yourself?

God has given each of us all we need to serve Him!


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