Reading your Bible for today October 17

October 17: Isaiah 10:15

KJV Key Verse: Isaiah 10:15
15 Shall the axe boast itself against him that heweth therewith? or shall the saw magnify itself against him that shaketh it? as if the rod should shake itself against them that lift it up , or as if the staff should lift up itself, as if it were no wood.

Have you ever tried to cut down a tree? Did the axe try and tell you how to hold it and where to hit the tree and how hard to do it? Or if you tried using a saw, or even a chainsaw... did they try and to tell you which way to begin to cut the tree? If you try to bake a cake, does the flour get out of the bag and start telling you how to mix things up in the right portions to get the perfect mixture for a light and fluffy cake... Sometimes I wish it would do that so I could bake a good cake that would not break the table!

We are tools. God has created us as tools. God knows how to do everything. God knows how to love people. God knows how to teach people. God knows how to save people. God knows how to encourage people. God knows a whole lot more than we could ever imagine. So why do we question everything God has done and what He wants us to do? Why do we always take a step back and say “hang on a sec, are you doing this the right way?”

What would happen to us trying to cut down a tree if the axe would stop half way through a swing and say “hang on a sec, are you sure that you know how to cut down this tree? Are you sure that you want to cut down this tree?” I think we would get a might annoyed with the axe and go looking for something else to use to cut down the tree instead of the axe!

God will not turn His back on us at any stage. We may try to turn our backs on Him and we may try to be a back seat driver and tell Him how we think this world should be run, but He is God and He alone knows the right way to do everything.

Points to Ponder:
Would you use a telephone which dialled random numbers?

God knows the number you need dialled?


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