Reading your Bible for today October 18

October 18: Romans 9:19-24

KJV Key Verse: Romans 9:21
21 Hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump to * make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour?

If you wanted to build a bookcase or a bunch of shelves, would you go to the plumbing shop and buy yourself a load of plastic pipes to do the job... or would you go to the electrical shop and buy a box of light bulbs... or would you go to the timber yard and get the right wood for the job?

When you go to that timber yard, you are going to be looking for wood that will be right for the job. If you want the shelves to show off the natural grain of the wood, you would not buy wood that has no grain. If you wanted the shelves to be strong enough to hold a rack of bowling balls, then you would not buy thin pieces of wood! Likewise, if you had a modernistic décor, you may well go and buy metal shelving units instead of using wood.

Each job we do does not necessarily require the same tools and same materials – even if the description of the job is similar. Each job should be done to the requirements for that job. Then again, it is no use building a thin shelf in the right place and then trying to load bowling balls onto it in a years time!

God has thought things out already and knows our future requirements. He is not going to short change us and allow us to build our lives upon foundations which are not up to the job for our complete lifetimes! Just like the potter has complete control of what he lets out of the shop, God has complete control about what He has let into this world. He has created each of us in the exact form He wants us in so that we can carry out our task that He has for us.

Points to Ponder:
Have you ever asked God what He would like you to do?

Will you obey Him when He asks?


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