Reading your Bible for today October 19

October 19: Matthew 4:23-25

KJV Key Verse: Matthew 4:23
23 And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people.

When Jesus was here on earth, He showed His disciples what they should be doing. He used every opportunity that He had to teach others the truth. He made sure that as many people as possible heard the truth so that they could do the right stuff. But no matter how much He went round teaching people and showing people the right things to do, many people turned a blind eye to Him and did not listen. Even though He was and is the Son of God, they still turned their backs on Him.

Sometimes in our lives we try to teach others how to do something and no matter what we do and say, it goes in one ear and out the other! They come back a few days later and ask us to do the same thing over again – because they did not listen the first time round!

There are many many people in this world. God has created each person with the same ability to be saved. God has given each one of us the same chance of obtaining eternal life through Jesus. God has given us all the same choice. But many many people are going to turn their backs on Him each day. And if you try to go round and find people that are trying to do anything about this big gulf between God and us... you may well find it very hard to find anyone. You may even begin to think you are fighting this fight alone.

It is always a lot easier to do something if you know you are going to get help with doing it. Or if you know someone is going to be there to back you up. But if you stick your neck out and try go it alone, the road soon gets rough and you may well give it up... If you give it up, who is going to do the work?

Points to Ponder:
How many times have you given up because of lack of help?

Do you ever consider the help Christ gives you?


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