Reading your Bible for today October 20

October 20: Psalm 33:16-22

KJV Key Verse: Psalm 33:20
20 Our soul waiteth for the LORD: he is our help and our shield.

Giving up on a job before you have even started it can be very easy, so keep this passage in mind before you give up... God is our help and our shield! If you are an avid history fan, I'm sure you can come up with many examples of people that have been mighty and valiant and have fallen at the first hurdle – they are not normally mentioned in all the history books.

God has the power to make sure the smallest and most unlikely people succeed. God has the power to make sure that the most unlikely and popular people sometimes fail miserably.

If you wanted to make sure you were going to succeed in something, then you would be wise to start by making sure you had the best possible people backing you up. If you wanted to start a business that dealt in computers, it would not be such a wise decision to go and find someone who knew everything about sewing to help you buy the right stock for you shop.

Likewise, although you may know everything about horse riding, you may well not succeed in setting up a riding school... simply because you started it up when there was no demand for it. If God wants us to do thing to honour and glorify Him, do you think He is going to help you set up something that is going to do the opposite to that?

Points to Ponder:
Do you look forward to working for God or for yourself?

God has given each one of us all we need to serve Him effectively!


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