Reading your Bible for today October 22

October 22: Romans 7:1-6

KJV Key Verse: Romans 7:5
5 For when we were in the flesh, the motions of sins, which were by the law, did work in our members to bring forth fruit unto death.

Many times in our lives we set our goals on something we 'have to achieve' in our lives. We do all sorts of things to make sure we do achieve that goal even if it means bending a few rules on the way. Many of those times we are setting goals which are purely physical, or which are just 'for show' so others can see how good we are! What we are doing is building sand castles for ourselves here on earth.

Have you ever thought about how constructors build houses? What is the first thing they do when building a house? They put down some sort of foundation so things can be built safely on top of it. That foundation is the basic strength of the house, because without it, the house would start to sink into the ground (albeit slowly). So if we design our house properly, we can even have a huge mansion of several stories high, having a many rooms and which can cater for all our friends coming to visit us all at the same time – even bringing all their families with them! ... If only we had the money to do it....

But what are we doing by building that house? We are fulfilling our desires. We are doing what we want. And, I can almost guarantee by building that house, we are going to ignore all sorts of things in our life until it is built!

'But', you may say, 'I am building this house to last... It is going to last a few thousand years, never mind a few hundred years like those of the past!' That is exactly what you are doing. You are building something here on earth that is built to last on earth. When you die, that house stays put. It does not move. It does nothing for you after your death...

Points to Ponder:
What is the last thing you did just because you wanted it?

Did you involve God in your quest?


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