Reading your Bible for today October 23

October 23: Matthew 6:22-23

KJV Key Verse: Matthew 6:23
23 But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!

Every time I come close to mentioning 'The Light' that is Jesus, it reminds me of that film where the bug flies into the light! It is so easy to give into a temptation which is so bright around us and fly straight into it. It is so easy to ignore the real light thinking something else is brighter that The Light. That is exactly what we do in our lives all the time – we give in to the light which we think is the brightest, and the only reason we think it is the brightest is because it is the only light we are actually looking at!

If you want to be able to identify the truth, then you have to be able to sift out all the garbage and lies to dig down to the truth. You cannot simply look at the first likely scenario that comes along into your life and go with that to find out how good it is! You have to find out if it is the truth before you go with it, because if you find yourself flying into the bug zapper, it will be a bit late!

Each of us have been given the ability to discern right from wrong and it is that ability that will be put to the test to see if you can choose right from wrong. If you are going to try and look for a book on ancient history, the last shop that you are going to go into would be a high street fashion shop! But that high street fashion shop may well be the first shop you do visit, because it looks so good. By the time you have finished looking in that shop, your mind has been changed and you come out with a new garment instead of a book on ancient history... You'll be back next month...

But what happens when the book shop shuts down because of lack of business – and you have not got the book yet!

Points to Ponder:
What did you last buy on sale?

Are you seeking bargains or real life?


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