Reading your Bible for today October 24

October 24: Matthew 6:24

KJV Key Verse: Matthew 6:24
24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot * serve God and mammon.

Off we go into town again... Now, do we stop and go through that high street fashion shop which has a sale on, or do we go to the planning office to make plans for our big mansion, or do we just walk around town and enjoy things... Or do we go to Church because it is, after all, Sunday (or at least it will be tomorrow.)

We have to make choices throughout our lives. We have to choose between the wrong choice and the right choice. We have to choose between something that is going to fail, and something that is going to succeed. We have to choose between something we are dreaming of, and something that we know is there. We have to choose between something we think will last, and something we know has lasted and will always last! I know not all decisions and choices are so black and white but you get the idea we have choices to make all the time.

We have so many choices in our lives it is no wonder that we sometimes get a bit confused. And just when we think we are on top of things, we suddenly find we have so many choices we think we can choose more than one thing. But what we have to do is to filter out our choices we have, sift through each one of them to see if God is behind it. If He is not behind each one of those choices, then just maybe we are trying to make a choice look a bit better than it really is!

We are given the choice are to whether we should choose what we are looking at, what we are thinking about, what we desire, what we need, what we want and what we should have. If we start making choices and leave God out of those choices we are walking away from Him. If we are making choices just to please ourselves we are leaving other people out of our lives. Include people, include God and enjoy life.

Points to Ponder:
How many choices do you face each day?

Are you making each one with God?


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