Reading your Bible for today October 25

October 25: Matthew 7:13-14

KJV Key Verse: Matthew 7:14
14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

It is good to look back at adverts from the first days of television sometimes. It is good to see the simplicity of the adverts. Nowadays you get so many glitzy adverts buzzing permanently through our minds I think we lose track of what they are advertising. But just as we think we can't remember what it was all about, there is something which gives you a not-so-gentle reminder, maybe a music track or an every-day activity. Advertisers use whatever means they can now to get right into our heads and fill our brains with so much garbage that we can't help but think of their products each and every day!

If you have the chance to ever flick through channels on a satellite television system, do so and see how much there is that is just useless information! The more people want access to more films and series the more the providers pay for it all with adverts and the less time we actually get to watch what we thought we would watch! It is not many channels which are not plugging adverts as much as possible to pay for the fees and make as much revenue as possible. This sort of behaviour is now accepted as being part of life.

When we are young, we are taught not to swear and not to tell lies, but as soon as we are old enough to watch television many of those rules go out the window because children have free access to even more junk. It is hard to focus on the fine line between true news and gossip, but we see our news channels full of gossip because it is what the majority of people want! If we took that sort of attitude in everyday living, then we would not have schools because they would not want to go to school!

There is only one way we are going to get to heaven and that is through Jesus Christ our Lord. There are far too many distractions in life now to be able to relax and enjoy the ride to heaven. God warns us the way to heaven is no longer smooth and simple.

Points to Ponder:
How many answers on a multiple choice question are right?

Are you filtering out all the wrong answers?


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