Reading your Bible for today October 28

October 28: Mark 4:24-25

KJV Key Verse: Mark 4:25
25 For he that hath , to him shall be given : and he that hath not, from him shall be taken even that which he hath .

Once you become aware of the mansions you are building for yourself on earth, you will be able to avoid them. Once you become aware of the things that fill your life, you will be able to avoid them. Once you become aware that there is more than one god in your life, you can turn to the one True God. Once you have returned to God, you know there is only one way to heaven. Once you know that truth, you will know it is the truth!

Once you can look at the earthly lights and make out the real Light, then you can focus on that One True Light. Without that light, there is utter darkness. Once you become aware of what you are letting into your life, then you become aware of the damage it can do to your life.

Be aware of what you are letting into your life, be aware of the damage that it can do, be aware of what God wants in your life instead! Once you are aware of what God wants in your life, you will be able to let others see what is in your life and allow them to know the truth and to look for and find the truth in the same way you did.

Be careful of what you are letting into your life, because it will sway your thinking... What you are letting in is your food! What your eyes see goes into your heart and changes you. You do not have to close yourself off from the world unless you allow what you see to tempt and influence you; but be aware that opening up the doors may well allow in a whole lot more than you desire or can handle.

Points to Ponder:
Have you ever gone to a party and tried not to party?

Has God given you all you need to serve Him or not?


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