Reading your Bible for today October 29

October 29: Job 21:7-16

KJV Key Verse: Job 21:13
13 They spend their days in wealth, and in a moment go down to the grave.

One of the many things we battle with in life is the fact bad people seem to thrive on this planet. And because of that we question Christianity and the very existence of God. The one key verse in this passage today says it all... They do not know God, they have turned their backs on God... They refuse to worship God... And in return, when they die, there is nothing good waiting for them.

Job was a man under tremendous persecution; he was a devout man and everything was going wrong for him, but he held his head up high and continued to say God was God and that He (God) would not forget about him (Job). Like Job, we may find we face times of great hardship, or times of great sorrow, but what you can be sure of is that we have a tremendous place waiting for us in heaven and nobody can take it away from us. That may not sound as comforting as having all sorts of luxuries, but think about how much is accomplished in a day. Then think about how much is done in a week, a month, a year. Then think how much can be done in your lifetime. Then expand that a little to a few hundred years. You cannot imagine all that can be achieved in a millennium, and even that falls very short of eternity!

Job had a very clear view of how God saw him. In Job 23:10 “But He knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold.”

He knew in his heart God would not forsake him, so he knew everything that was happening would simply strengthen his resolve, strengthen his belief, and strengthen his faith in a God who is looking out for each one of us.

Points to Ponder:
When things get tough, do you give in or try harder?

Why then do we give up on faith so quickly?


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