Reading your Bible for today October 30

October 30: Matthew 26:39-43

KJV Key Verse: Matthew 26:41
41 Watch and pray , that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.

Our biggest battle in life is... everything! We are tempted by so many things in our lives that we do tend to give in before we start in many walks of life. Temptations are all around us, and in many different disguises so we do not recognise them most of the time. When Jesus was praying in the garden of Gethsemane, His one simple request to the disciples was for them to stay awake and pray with Him. The temptation of “sleeping on the job” took them and they fell asleep whilst Jesus was praying. When He returned to find them asleep, He told them to pray so that they would not fall into temptation again. But once again they proved that the flesh is weak and fell asleep.

Little did they know about how grave a situation was looming. They did not know just what Jesus was about to face over the next few days. They did not know how important that short time of prayer would be. Had they known the situation, I'm pretty sure that they would have not given in to sleep. We find that many times in our lives – if we know the situation, we tend to do what is necessary to avoid problems. But if we are blissfully unaware of the situation, we get drawn into almost anything else!

We all do have a task at hand that we tend to ignore for the most part. One of the most important jobs we have is to continually pray, continually talk to God through prayer. It is also one of the jobs that seems to be most ignored in this day and age!

Another job we have is to spread the word of God. This does not necessarily mean going out and preaching on the street corner, but may simply be telling someone about the horrors that could be around the corner in hell, or the beauty and peace that is around the corner in heaven.

Points to Ponder:
Do you run a race to win or to just take part?

Why do we give up with our Christian duties so easily?


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