Reading your Bible for today October 5

October 5: Psalm 106:8-15

KJV Key Verse: Psalm 106:13
13 They soonforgat his works; they waited not for his counsel:

I’m sure many of us will remember the words from the parable about the farmer sowing seeds which fell on ground of various states, but how many of us will remember Jesus’ explanation of the parable? Sometimes we forget just what The Word of God is. We put our bibles on the table or chair and forget about them for a while... What are we doing? We are putting God's Word aside. We are turning our back on God. Bit scary when you think about it that way!

Just like the sower sowing seeds on ground which was stony or too hard, we too listen to Gods word when we are in church or hear other people talking about it; but then we put it aside or forget about it before too long. In the same way the people of Israel soon forgot about what God had said to them and even what He had done for them.

When we receive the Word, we should take it and make sure it has the best possible environment to live and grow in. After all, it is not much use sowing seeds on a road and expecting them to grow... But that is exactly what we do in our lives. We take in a little bit and then open up our lives to all the temptations around us expecting the Word to continue growing inside us even though we do not feed it.

We need to prepare ourselves to take in more of what God does in our lives. We need to think about what He does so we can understand how much He is trying to do for us. We need to understand this all and part of that is remembering the past and living for the future with God.

Points to Ponder:
Would you eat a loaf of bread that was left out in the rain?

Do you expose your “daily bread” to more than rain?


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