Reading your Bible for today December 1

December 1: John 12:35-43

KJV Key Verse: John 12:36
36 While ye have light, believe in the light, that ye may be the children of light. These things spake Jesus, and departed , and did hide himself from them.

How many times have you heard people talk about the Bible supporting itself or proving itself? God has protected His Word for many years and many generations of people trying to go their own way instead. The Bible has been translated in many ways into different languages and different styles; each one being what someone believes to be the best in some way. In these few verses is just one of those places where the Bible shows its support for other places in the Bible, comparing The Word with what actually happened to show us the truth was written a long time before it came to pass.

Yet many people still refuse to believe on God's Word. Many people still choose to believe what man says over and above what has been written in God's Word. Many people still choose to live in the darkness because they can hide their sins easily. They do not have to face up to the truth. They do not have to change their lives. Oh, it is so easy!

God had given Isaiah an insight into how people would react when they were faced with the truth, how they would reject Jesus, preferring to follow their own rules that they had made. So many people take God's Word (or at least the parts that they agree with) and add their own rules and saying to it. They corrupt The Word to such an extent that it proves they are right. Trying to get back to the real truth can be difficult and even painful.

If you had an instruction manual that came with your TV that said that you must switch the set off using the switch rather than the remote otherwise the TV would eventually overheat... would you change the manual to say that you can switch it off with the remote because it is much easier to do? The more we get used to doing things the wrong way, the harder it is to change to do things the right way. The more we allow sin into our lives, the harder it is to fight against that sin. But, the more we learn about how to fight that sin, the more we are encouraged by reading God's Word, the more strength we can gain by depending more on Him.

Points to Ponder:
Do you choose the easy path all the time?

How often do you choose the easy path instead of God’s way?


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