Reading your Bible for today November 10

November 10: Proverbs 29:6-11

KJV Key Verse: Proverbs 29:7
7 The righteous considereth the cause of the poor: but the wicked regardeth not to know it.

When you start to see the wonderful planet for what it is – an immensely complex creation of God – then you start to move towards understanding what it is that He would like us to do. The planet has not been created to destroy humanity, but rather as a beautiful place for us to live on... yet we destroy it.

Each time someone does something evil in this world, they are setting another trap for themselves to be caught by. Each time we do something wrong, we are digging a trap for ourselves to fall into. Be it as big as hurting someone, or something as small as “forgetting” your homework at home because you did not have time to finish it! What you are doing, is making another way in which someone else can stop you dead in your tracks by allowing the truth to come to the surface.

When push comes to shove, we have to admit doing things wrong just does not pay in the end. God wants us to understand this and sometimes allows things to go wrong in our lives so we can learn from our mistakes. He wants us to understand there is a right way of doing everything. He wants us to understand doing things right means showing love one towards another in all ways possible. We must not just think of ourselves as we continue to live, but rather start thinking of others continually; thinking of God continually and asking God to help us to make a difference in other people’s lives.

If you were to take sides with a person who is doing things wrong, it is not long before someone will spot the trend and be able to trip you up. It will not be long before you are tempted to do the evil they are doing because you see them getting away with things. What they are actually doing is digging a bigger and bigger hole for themselves to fall into, along with you!

Points to Ponder:
When was the last time you watch someone make a string of excuses which did not work?

Do you not remember God can see everything?


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