Reading your Bible for today November 13

November 13: Psalm 37:7-11

KJV Key Verse: Psalm 37:11
11 But the meek shall inherit the earth; and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace.

So many times in our lives we are witnesses to people who live wicked lives but seem to thrive in those lives as well. Sometimes we see them fall from their position of power and be humbled in some way, but all too often we see them continue to thrive. When we see that, we often have feelings inside of resentment.

Take heed to the words in this passage today. The Lord knows these people exist, and He knows they are not walking with Him, and He knows they seem to look good on the outside. But without those people, how would we be able to see the difference between what good and evil can do. How are we going to see the damage evil can do to the inside of a person rather than just the outside? The more you dig into the lives of these people, the more you will see the evil they have based their world upon!

The Lord's advice is simple. Be patient, and trust in Him. Do not think evil against them. The more you do, the more evil will work inside your heart and the more you will be taken by those evil thoughts.

We see violent and evil films that hit the box office each year. Each one you see can affect you. Your brain takes in the images and keeps them deep inside of you. Those thoughts may yet surface when you least expect them to, when you are under pressure to do something, when you least want them to surface. Our strength must be in Him, in Jesus, our Lord and Saviour. Without Him we will not find eternal life. Without Him we are destined to the same death as the evil people of this world, for they will not be around eternally!

Points to Ponder:
Would you build your life on the word of a liar?

Will you build your life on Christ?


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