Reading your Bible for today November 14

November 14: Matthew 7:21-23

KJV Key Verse: Matthew 7:23
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

Have you ever tried to enter a competition by breaking the rules? Have you ever tried to enter a competition by telling them you are already the winner and then finding out what the competition is? I don't think you are going to get far in any competition without knowing the right answers to start with!

There is only one way we can get to heaven and that is through Jesus Christ our Lord. We can invite Him into our lives and by doing so He has promised to forgive us of our sins so we can be born again, pure and wholly acceptable to God.

If you were the only person to enter a competition and you got the answers wrong, do you think they would still give you the prize? I don't think so, because the whole idea was to find the truth before submitting the answers! If they allowed you to get the prize, then when it got into the news, they would have to admit it was a total sham and you did not actually get the answers right! So just because you have done the right thing by submitting your answers on the right piece of paper and at the right time and with the right colour pen and with a nice picture to go with it... does not mean you automatically get to win!

I can remember writing into a radio show once and writing my letter on a row of paper dolls just so the presenter would read my letter out! It did not mean that I got things my way, just that she noticed the letter and read it out! Jesus has promised if we have truly invited Him into our lives then He will admit to knowing us when we get to heaven and through that we have eternal life with Him.

Points to Ponder:
Have you ever invited someone in just to keep them quiet?

Are you ignoring the fact that Jesus has already invited us in and paid the price?


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