Reading your Bible for today November 15

November 15: Colossians 3:8-11

KJV Key Verse: Colossians 3:8
8 But now ye also put off all these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth.

When you get tied up in a action packed film, or in a heated conversation, you often let you guard down and allow you mind to wander so you can become more involved in the action. When this happens, feelings you have kept down for a while start to surface... anger, wrath, malice... which allow you to get more and more involved in the action until you suddenly let rip and out some of them come! All because we let our guard down in the beginning.

When we accept God into our lives, we say we are being born again. We are starting out in a new life. We are starting our Christian walk. In doing this we should be trying to put aside all these thoughts and feelings. Now I don't mean that we should sweep them under the carpet, because the more that you sweep under the carpet, the more dirt you are going to find when you try to do the cleaning properly in the end!

If we continue to try to walk alone, we will continue to build up the burdens on our own shoulders, and eventually we are going to buckle and fall to our knees. God wants us to give all those troubles to Him, because He is strong enough to carry all of them. By doing that, we should no longer be burdened by them because we have someone to either carry them for us or to share the load with... and they will no longer be able to drag us down to the depths that they exist within.

It may start by us telling a “white lie” to help someone else out – but that will slowly bring the avalanche down on top of us unless we turn round and give it to the Lord. Only then can we release our pent up emotions and stumbling blocks.

Points to Ponder:
What do you carry round with you?

Is it time to give it to The Lord?


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