Reading your Bible for today November 16

November 16: Proverbs 22:29

KJV Key Verse: Proverbs 22:29
29 Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men.

Being diligent in business means being careful and making sure what you are doing is right and being applied in the right manner. If you want to be able to succeed in business, you should always try to make sure what you are doing is right; it all seems to make sense. But if you bend the rules and start to try and take short cuts, those short cuts will soon catch up with you and lay a trap for you to fall back into.

Then you take a step back and you think about how this applies in your own life, in your personal business... If you are not going to be diligent in your own personal life, then how are you going to be sure that you are not laying traps for yourself? If we are not going to be careful and make sure we make the right choices in our lives, then we very quickly lose hope of being able to stand before The King, before God! If we are not going to be diligent enough to ask Jesus into our lives to guide our every step, then we are not doing what is best for our own personal business. We are not doing what is best for us.

When a business starts to get into trouble, some professionals may turn round to the nearest loan shark to try and support them for a short span, thinking that all will be well in a few weeks’ time. But after those weeks, they begin to find what they have is a “bag of spanners” and it all goes down the tubes.

To avoid ourselves going down the tubes, we have to avoid those quick fixes in our personal lives and ask God to help and support us as only He can. Then we have to listen to that advice and act on it.

Points to Ponder:
Would you go down a dark alley to read a map?

Are you listening to God’s advice?


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