Reading your Bible for today November 19

November 19: 1 Peter 5:8-9

KJV Key Verse: 1 Peter 5:8
8 Be sober , be vigilant ; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about , seeking whom he may devour :

You may think you are safe as soon as you accept Jesus into your life. So you should be! But beware! The devil is out there looking for the first opportunity to trip you up. Even though you may be saved and know Christ as your Saviour and know you are guaranteed eternal life, the evil one is going to be there in many shapes and forms trying to trip you up so that you will draw away from God.

For as long as you are close to God, He cannot touch you, and you can be used of God to reach other unsaved people and let them know about the awesome God that we serve. But he knows that if he can trip you up and get you to wonder away from God, then you will no longer be as good a witness, no longer be a guiding light, no longer be a servant of God.

There is nothing we can grip tighter to in this day and age than our faith in Christ Jesus. The Holy Spirit can be your guide, but only if you are willing to listen to Him, only if you are willing to do what He encourages you to do, follow where He leads you. This is where we have to be diligent. We have to make sure what we are listening to is the Word of God and not any other diverse word that comes from any other source. Because if the source of the word is not from God, then it can only be from the devil.

If you see someone else falling by the wayside because of what they are doing, then you must stand up and make sure you do not follow them down the same slippery slope. Learn from others mistakes, not just your own!

Points to Ponder:
If you see your friend break their ankle, do you try and copy them?

Are you going to blindly follow others?


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