Reading your Bible for today November 20

November 20: Revelation 1:4-8

KJV Key Verse: Revelation 1:6
6 And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.

Well, sometimes things in life overtake you leaving you all bogged down trying to do those things; you find yourself trying to catch up with the things God asked you to do. This has happened to me and so I’m sorry this devotion is a bit late in getting to you, but it certainly is hot off the press!

There are many different descriptions of these words in the various bible translations round the world but all alluding to the fact we are God’s chosen people and we are living in His kingdom. Now you may look around and ask how this could ever be God’s kingdom because of the hardships and issues we all face… but then you would be looking at the world around you and not at the kingdom!

Christ said He would build His church here, not in some sort of dream world, but here on earth in amongst all the hassles we face and have to sometimes endure. None of us are perfect and none of us can claim to be doing everything right either; but we can all claim to be in His chosen people when we know Christ as our Lord and King. A kingdom is a people who are under the rule of their king. Christ is our King! The difference between His kingdom and earthly kingdoms is that we do not live in our own country.

But that should not make it any less a kingdom than here on earth. The Lord has chosen His people and chosen His leaders. We must be vigilant of those choices because like any earthly kingdom there are going to be many who lift themselves up and pretend to be Christ’s chosen people and even leaders. Christ alone is the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End. Christ alone has power to rule over us in all matters. Christ is Lord and King.

Points to Ponder:
Are you feeling bogged down?

Are you taking everything to you King?


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