Reading your Bible for today November 21

November 21 : Hebrews 11:5-6

Key Verse : Hebrews 11:6
But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

Devotion :
It is said the only things in life that are certain are taxes and death. We know, as humans, we are going to die someday; we know our life expectancy is around 85 years. And yet when we are young, we believe we are going to live forever and do all sorts of things that are contrary to a long life. We go out and do things which we look back on as absolutely mad!

But as we read through our Bibles, we find there were some people who lived good, long and productive lives, living them for Christ and gaining rewards through Christ. Enoch, born of Jared, lived a good 365 years. We could never imagine living that long, simply because our bodies break down so much faster now than they did in Enoch's time. But notice how God took Enoch ( Genesis 5:18-24 ) before Enoch actually died.

God was so impressed by Enoch's faith and life, He spared Enoch the fate that awaits us all. As we read through Genesis 5, we find that before and after Enoch, people still died as they have continued to do so. Yes, they are all recorded as living longer lives, but they all did die in the end. Every other person on the planet at that time came under God's judgement and fell under the flood apart from Noah and his family.
Without our faith in Christ, it is no possible to please Him. Not back in the times before the flood, and not now, and not in the future! Every person that comes to God must believe God does exist, God lives, and He is a great rewarder of every one that seeks Him all the time. Enoch managed to find that reward by diligently seeking God at all times.

Points to Ponder :
How often have you been late because you lost something?

Are you seeking things which don’t really matter in life?


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