Reading your Bible for today November 22

November 22 : Hebrews 11:7

Key Verse : Hebrews 11:7
By faith Noah, being divinely warned of things not yet seen, moved with godly fear, prepared an ark for the saving of his household, by which he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness which is according to faith.

Devotion :
What would you do if someone told you that there was going to be a period ahead where grass was going to be constantly falling out of the sky for 40 days and nights; and the grass was going to grow exceedingly quickly out of the ground until everything was covered and we would not be able to see each other because it was that deep? I think enough things would die under the weight of all that grass to make us stop and wonder why on earth it was all happening! How would you plan to escape such an event if you did not have time to plan for it at all?

I guess you would think that person was stark raving mad! You can imagine what the people thought of Noah at that time before the flood. It had never rained before, so they did not know that water could fall out of the sky! I bet they never imagined that something that gave them all life could be used against them to kill them all.

But Noah did not have to be told over and over again about what was going to happen. Noah listened to God, even though he probably did not understand the gravity of the situation at first. Noah had absolute faith in God that He would deliver Noah and his family from the judgement that was about to cover the entire planet. Noah trusted that God knew what He was asking.

Nobody had yet built a vessel as large as God was asking for. Nobody had ever tried to take such a diversity of animal life on a single boat before. Nobody had ever imagined that there would be a time where there would be no docking place on the whole planet for the boat. Noah listened to God, did what was asked of him, put his faith and trust in the unknown and God kept His word. Sometimes we don’t understand how God can help; we just have to trust Him.

Points to Ponder :
If someone asked you to put your head inside a lions mouth, would you?

God does not ask you to do anything


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