Reading your Bible for today November 23

November 23: Hebrews 11:8-10

KJV Key Verse: Hebrews 11:10
10 For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God.

You may look at some of the people from the past and say “But I have never been without some doubt, I have always doubted, I have always done things wrong... what hope is there for me!”

Abraham was a man of God. When God told him to go into the lands that he did not know, he went. He continued south until he reached Egypt, where his faith grew a little weary. Abram (Abraham) told Sarai (Sarah) that when they entered into Egypt, they should say that they were brother and sister so that Abraham would not be killed for his wife. This was just after being told by God that he would be the father of many people. There was still doubt. Abraham's faith faltered a little and he “just wanted to be sure” that he would stay alive.

When God tells us something, it is the truth. No matter how hard it is to believe, it is the truth. Just like Noah put his faith in the unseen, in the unbelievable... we have to put our faith and trust in God. Many times it will be real easy to believe what God tells us through the Bible. All we have to do is to look at the world around us and we can see the difference between good and evil. We can see the evil people try to take things they do not have. We see the good and grateful people accept things they do not deserve.

We can look at the wonderful sacrifice of Jesus on the cross and begin to understand His love for us was so great that He was willing to lay His life down for us. We can begin to understand the truth as it was told many years before the coming of Jesus, came to pass when Jesus came to earth in human form and is now our promise for the future. We can begin to understand that when God says He will do something, He does it! It just takes faith…

Points to Ponder:
Would you believe God if He said you would become king, queen or president next year?

What would it take for you to trust God totally?


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