Reading your Bible for today November 24

November 24: Hebrews 11:11-12

KJV Key Verse: Hebrews 11:11
11 Through faith also Sara herself received strength to conceive seed, and was delivered of a child when she was past age, because she judged him faithful who had promised.

Sarah stood by Abraham all the time, doing what was required and staying close to God. She too, though, had her lapses of faith. When she was in the tent, preparing the meal (Genesis 18:10-14) for the three 'strangers', she heard one of them say she would have a child and laughed inwardly. The reason why she laughed was because she knew she could no longer physically have children because she was too old. At least, that is what she believed.

Once again, God had spoken, and someone had doubted. Once again a miracle had been spoken of and man had doubted the miracle. It was only a short time later God's promise was seen to come true (Genesis 21:1-2) when Sarah indeed gave birth to a son; and she was a little bit older than when she was told of the birth!

Can you think back to the days when your parents would accuse you of doing something even though you were absolutely sure they would never find out that you actually did it? And when they confronted you, you would insist you had not done anything. Somehow, they just seemed to know! But when you grow older you realise is was not such a hard job to spot the things you did wrong because they were so blatant! God is with us all the time, and even though we think our parents see just about everything, God can see what we do all the time. There is no way we can hide anything from God at any time. We may like to think that we can, but we cannot.

The sooner that we can accept that, the sooner we will be able to understand why it is so important that we do things right and believe Him. But in order to do things right, we have to accept God into our lives. Without God, we are not able to resist the temptations that surround us. Without God, we are not really strong enough to live our lives. Without God, we are nothing.

Points to Ponder:
Are you able to intentionally lie without knowing it as a lie?

How can God lie if He knows everything?


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