Reading your Bible for today November 25

November 25: Hebrews 11:13-16

KJV Key Verse: Hebrews 11:16
16 But now they desire a better country, that is , an heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a city.

Each one of the faithful followers that we have look over the past week have shown their faith in God by placing their trust in His Word, by believing the things that God spoke. Just as Abraham was promised he would be a father of many, he was. Each one of those people born from his lineage was born to die. Just as there were thousands of stars in the sky, there were thousands of descendants from Abraham. These people were all given a promise of a great land they would receive. Each of these people lived their lives believing they would inherit a great land. Each of these people died before they actually did receive the land. That is because God's promise to them was that the family would receive the land, and they have.

Each of these followers were able to confess that they were nothing without God. Each of them were able to confess they were pilgrims, wanderers, campers here on earth. Each of them were plainly seeking a country as was promised by God. But when their faith faltered and they turned from God, they lost sight of the way they should have been heading.

Nowadays our eyes are no longer focused on reaching the Promised Land here on earth, but should be focused on the Promised Land in heaven. God has promised us a place in heaven for each of us that accept Him as our Saviour.

We all look forward to that place where we will no longer have to hide our faith, no longer have to hide our love for Christ and no longer have to be ashamed of loving God. That may sound harsh, but just like Peter, we are all under strain and when push comes to shove, many of us fail to uphold the truth. Many of us feel like our faith crumbles.

Points to Ponder:
Can you always focus on God when earthly possessions surround you?

Will you trust in God’s faithfulness?


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