Reading your Bible for today November 27

November 27: Hebrews 11:20

KJV Key Verse: Hebrews 11:20
20 By faith Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau concerning things to come .

And just when you are beginning to put your trust in someone here on earth, things start to go very wrong! Just when you think you have built up enough trust between you and that other person, they go and do something stupid, or something wrong, or even something against you!

There are so many people in this world who are working against Christianity, who are focusing on nothing more than themselves. They do not want to believe anybody else could ever be in charge of their lives, so they “go it alone”. One thing they are going to find is when push comes to shove, they are going to be left alone – they are going to be high and dry.

God wants us to be fully aware there are going to be times in our lives when things will go wrong. Times when the unexpected is going to become reality. Times when we will begin to wonder if “Murphy's Law” is actually real. It is at those times we need to make sure we are close to God, close to our protector, close to our loving Father and willing to change. Some people will not change, no matter what we say to them and no matter how we try and convince them they are in the wrong. I was given a lesson by a Pastor who made it all sound so obvious...

When people around you are shunning every chance you take to witness to them verbally, then the only thing that you can do is to show them physically what the church is all about. Continue to allow them to see how much love we have in our lives for everyone and everything. Continue to show them how happy we can be in adversity, because we know the truth about our destination! Continue to show them God’s precious love.

Points to Ponder:
How do you convince a baby that fire is hot?

Will you believe God or want to put your hand in the fire?


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